Lice Treatment - How to treat correctly Lice?
When looking for a Lice treatment, there are many factors to consider before jumping in your car and heading out to the local pharmacy.
Lice treatment is not just about killing the lice but preventing future infestations. There are a few important things to keep in mind before purchasing any Lice treatment kit. Following are simple guidelines to help make your decision a little easier.
Method and severity: Lice treatment kits vary in consistency from run-of-the-mill home remedies all the way to kits with specialized ingredients and tools for deep and thorough cleansing.
Some of the more common ingredients to find in a lice treatment include permethrin, picaridin, or sulfadoxine. Benzyl peroxide and other strong solutions can be found in some Lice treatment kits as well.
Lice treatment strength should be decided based on the number and severity of infestations and should be between one and two drops of Lice poison. Sulfur is another common ingredient in many kits and has been proven to be safe for long-term use.
• Lice treatment strength and duration:
Lice treatment strength and duration of treatment should be decided based on how infested a person is, and how long it takes to kill all live lice, as well as how many eggs were laid, to begin with.
Usually, a treatment that kills most of the adult lice within two weeks is sufficient, and a treatment that kills all the eggs within four to five weeks should be considered for severe cases.
• Infestation Level:
Another factor in deciding the length of your Lice treatment is how infested you are. Lice cannot survive too far outside of their natural environment, and if you keep your head clean, they will quickly become established. This means that a treatment that might be effective at killing adults must also be effective at killing eggs.
If you consider these two important factors while choosing a lice treatment, you will end with many different options and solutions. However, most of these options are not safe to use as it contains chemicals and pesticides.
If you want to prevent lice infestation, you can choose Novokid Complete Lice Treatment Kit. It is a natural and safe way to clean your child's head. If you want to know more about this kit, click here. You will get all the information about how to use it and what it contains. This method is not only suitable for kids but for adults as well.
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